Why not fight off the summer sun with a pair of shades from one of the following socially conscience companies? All of these companies subscribe to the 'buy a pair, give a pair' philosophy.
TOMS Eyewear - TOMS has expanded its market to sunglasses. Prices hover around $140.
Warby Parker - At $95 a pair, these are more affordable. They have sunglasses as well as prescription glasses.
4sight - You want even cheaper? These are only $89 a pair, but they have way less styles to choose from.
141 Eyewear - Not sure how much they run. Frames are all plastic. Name says it all.
Proof - All wooden frames - pretty cool eh? Prices range from $90 - $130. Only one specific pair is 1 for 1, but the company does donate a "large" portion of sales to an eye clinic in India.
On some level I agree with companies like Tom's Shoes. On another level, it does nothing to solve the systemic problem in those countries. They are simply dumping resources (money, goods, etc.) into a place that doesn't have the infrastructure, skills, etc.